Sunday, December 6, 2009

Heart Attack More Condition_symptoms Are Things Like Stroke, Heart Attack, And Adult Onset Diabetes More Hereditary Or More Environment Influenced?

Are things like stroke, heart attack, and adult onset diabetes more hereditary or more environment influenced? - heart attack more condition_symptoms

The meaning of life for the environment, stress, chemicals and pollution, location, etc.
Or is it something more influenced by genetics and are ready to go in good condition?
And I ask this knowing that even if it can run in families usually are there things that you try not to get it. But you can really stop these things from the effort? Or is this will happen any way if it in your genes?


M U said...

Funny you should ask, because I am participating voluntarily in a study by the National Institutes of Health, who are trying to answer this question. I have a lot of information, I can summarize here.

First, no one knows for sure 100 percent (which is why it has to complete their studies). However, it seems that both genetic tendency needs and lifestyle, eating habits, stress, etc. In other words, the current projections, the study found that people tend to diabetes, heart disease and adults when they have the genes for it. But "probably" not "in any case." Let's see. But it's a great question, and I'll give you a star.

James P said...

All 3 are influenced by genetics. Stroke and heart attack are high blood pressure for primary and 99% of what it is, and that is combined with genetics, poor diet and physical activity. But people who are genetically predisposed to the poorest. Diabetes is clearly related genetically, but is also overweight, and each can be connected to grease. You just have to burn more calories they eat. Then, the insulin resistance of fat cells and this also needs more insulin, etc. ..

Heart attacks and cholesterol is also strongly genetically linked.

All this is done, except the edge of the bell curve statistics. So, yes, absolutely, can, in fact, three of the majority of people avoided with diet, exercise and drugs such as statins for people with hypertension who are receiving the wrong parents. The blood pressure is too high for kidney thermostat, which regulates that the only way to control it with medication.
Can it be cured all eat grasshoppers and rice. Nor if the right drugs can be the genetic modification of tickets distributed properly

cardioph... said...

Although genetic predisposition is present, the environment plays a large role in these diseases.

cardioph... said...

Although genetic predisposition is present, the environment plays a large role in these diseases.

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